An interactive floor plan to find your existing business partners or meet new suppliers at CPhI and P-MEC China, Fi Asia China, Hi China and HNC.
运用交互式的展会平面图,在CPhI and P-MEC China, Fi Asia China, Hi China 以 及HNC等展会上,帮助您找到优秀的商业伙伴和供应商。

Intuitive and easy to use, simply tap in the company name, product name or stand number and Supplier Finder will instantly show you what you need to know
Supplier Finder helps you to…
- Search by company name, product name or stand number in English or Chinese
- Easily view multiple exhibitors on the map who supply the product you searched for
- See your current location and where a supplier is located
- Browse an interactive floor plan to explore what’s available
- Make the most of your time at the exhibition
- Walk less and enjoy your time more
- 中英双语搜索公司名、产品名、展位号
- 在寻找某一特定产品时,显示提供该产品的所有展商
- 显示您的当前位置,定位某一展商
- 通过交互式的展会平面图,探寻展会资源
- 充分利用观展时间
- 合理规划路线,让您更高效地观展,享受整个参观过程
Where to Find Supplier Finder:
- Next to Information Counter in Halls E1-E8, W1-W5, N1-N5
- Corridor to Hall E1 & W1 from the 1# Entrance Lobby
- E1-E8、W1-W5、N1-N5咨询台旁
- 1#入口大厅通往E1及W1馆的通道

A handy little pin icon shows you where the supplier is located. You’ll also see where you are, so you can easily navigate your way to them.

If you search by product, Supplier Finder will list all the suppliers who sell it and where they are. With thousands of suppliers at the show, this saves you hours of searching.