Roundup: Experts say China will emerge stronger after COVID-19 epidemic

06.03.2020 16:05

MUMBAI, March 4 (Xinhua) — China will emerge stronger from the coronavirus challenge, experts said at a seminar here on Tuesday, while lauding China’s efforts to stem the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic.


Speaking at the seminar titled “Combatting Coronavirus,” Sumit Mullick, chief information commissioner of India’s southwestern state of Maharashtra, said that China has created a new benchmark in addressing a health issue by quarantining Wuhan, the epicenter city of the virus outbreak.


“It (the coronavirus) does not understand and respect borders, does not need a visa or passport,” Mullick said. “Challenges are truly in global in nature.”


However, Chinese labs have quickly deciphered the genetic sequence of the coronavirus and shared it with the world, which is now working on a new vaccine, he said.


From an economic perspective, experts believe China would recover from the crisis and emerge stronger.


R.N.Bhaskar, a senior journalist and consulting editor with Indian English newspaper Free Press Journal, said that China is doing all it can to both contain the spread of the virus and create a vaccine.


“As a very big player in the global economy, there will be negative impact on the Chinese economy for a temporary period. However, thanks to the swift responses to the virus outbreak, the Chinese economy will overcome this crisis and emerge stronger,” he added.


Except in Wuhan, businesses in the rest of China are operational and trying to return to normal, said Zheng Bin, CEO of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China in India.


Health officials at the panel discussion also enumerated the steps taken to fight the virus and shared their experiences in countering misinformation and creating awareness among the public at large.


The event was jointly organized by the Observer Research Foundation, a think-tank body, along with the Chinese Consulate General in Mumbai.

