Exploring Bioengineering Industry

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Exploring Bioengineering Industry at CPHI & PMEC China 2024

A diverse range of offerings in biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, life sciences instrument, bioengineering, AI-assisted solutions and equipment for biopharmaceutical manufacturing will be displayed in Hall W4, W5 and N3.

With the expiration of a large number of patents for “blockbuster drugs” around the world, China pharmaceutical companies will usher in huge development opportunities. It is predicted that the market size of China’s biopharmaceutical industry will grow at a compound annual growth rate of about 6.4% from 2023 to 2028, and the market size of China’s biopharmaceutical industry is expected to reach 2.7 trillion yuan in 2028.

A diverse range of offerings in biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, life sciences instrument, bioengineering, AI-assisted solutions and equipment for biopharmaceutical manufacturing will be displayed during CPHI & PMEC China 2024 at Hall W4, W5 and N3.

Life Science Instrument Zone

Bioengineering Zone

Bio Pharma Zone

Hall W5

The market size of life science and bio pharmaceutical industry are growing and the business opportunities are expanding. The zone covers various subdivisions of life science instruments and equipment, especially for biomedicine, biomedical engineering, biotechnology services and in vitro diagnostics and etc.

Hall N3

Bioengineering is the bridge between laboratory research and industrial production in life sciences. The zone is integrated with medicine, health, energy, environmental protection, materials and other industries, in line with the rapid increase in the industry’s demand for life and health, biomanufacturing, biomaterials, etc.

Hall W4

Biomedical industry has become one of China’s strategic emerging industries. The zone will combine high quality products, high-end conference and cutting-edge technologies to share insight into the pharmaceutical R&D and explore opportunities for biomedical cooperation.

Scope of exhibits:

Gene Sequencing, Cell Factory, Microbial Testing Instrument, Laboratory Cyogenic Storage, Chip System/Matching, Microplate Reader/Microplate Instrument, Cell Analysis, Biological Microscopy/In vivo Imaging, Incubator Equipment, Laboratory Automation

Scope of exhibits:

Bioreactor Engineering Equipment, Cell Engineering Equipment, Protein Engineering Equipment, Fermentation Engineering Equipment, Genetic Engineering Equipment

Scope of exhibits:

Recombinant Proteins, Nucleic Acid Vaccines, Blood Products, Therapeutics Antibodies, Cell & Gene Therapy, Immuno-Oncology Stem Cells & iPS, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Proteomics and Metabolism Omics, Biotechnology Platform Services, Testing and Validation Services, Bioinformatics Services, Drug development and Manufacturing, Clinical Research Services

Leading Exhibiting Brands of Life Science, Bio Pharma and Biotech

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Get access to the whole pharmaceutical
supply chain in one location

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Generate high volume of leads and
connect with potential business partners 

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Discover innovative products from
3,500+ exhibiting companies 

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Network with new and current contacts
to build and enhance relationships 

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Learn the latest industry trends and updates
through collocated events and conferences 

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Enjoy our free online
matchmaking tool

Attendee Packages and Benefits





Register before or on

17 June 2023

  • Access to show floor
  • Conference sessions online
    and in person
  • One free gift(pick up onsite)



US$ 69


Register before or on
12 June 2023

  • Access to show floor
  • Conference sessions online and in person
  • One free gift(pick up onsite)
  • VIP fast access at entrance
  • Access to VIP Lounges
  • One copy of e-catalogue
  • Matchmaking with maximum 3 exhibitors after the show in 2023

 Platinum VIP 


US$ 139


Register before or on
12 June 2023

  • Access to show floor
  • Conference sessions online
    and in person
  • One free gift(pick up onsite)
  • VIP fast access at entrance
  • Access to VIP Lounges
  • One copy of e-catalogue
  • Matchmaking with maximum 5 exhibitors after the show in 2023
  • One set of free lunch at Platinum VIP Lounge
  • Free use of private meeting room 2 hours/day (reservation needed)

Various Conferences and Activities

In order to promote the integration between the life sciences and biopharmaceutical industries, on-site diversified conference activities will be organized. Through multi-dimensional content learning sessions, trending and cutting- edge topics will be covered with China and global biotechnology and manufacturing experts, leaders and guests from hundreds of new technology R&D companies.

China Biopharmaceuticals Outlook Summit

Gene Editing and Stem Cell Seminar

Commercial Development and Production of Biomacromolecules


  • Regulatory and regulatory requirements for drug clinical trials
  • Innovative development in the era of CGT therapy 2.0
  • Challenges and strategies for the development of new mRNA drugs Exploration
  • Anti-tumor drug technology and clinical practice and opportunities and challenges for future development


  • New methods of gene editing and gene therapy
  • Principles and applications of gene editing technology
  • Gene editing and stem cells in disease treatment and applications in regenerative medicine
  • Development and application of new gene editing technology
  • Progress in the development of stem cell therapy products


  • Future development trends of bioprocessing technology
  • Manufacturing and CMC strategies for innovative biologics development
  • New biological drugs from IND to BLA
  • Antibody drugs
  • Nucleic acid drugs
  • CGT medications

What’s new in 2024?

CPHI & PMEC China 2024 is bringing a fresh wave of experiences. This year, we’re introducing a series of Awards ceremony, honoring achievements in Packaging & Drug Delivery, Natural Extracts, Bio Pharma, and Laboratory Instrument & Equipment.

Excitingly, a diverse range of offerings in biopharmaceutical, biotechnology, life sciences instrument, bioengineering, AI-assisted solutions and equipment for biopharmaceutical manufacturing will be displayed in Hall W4, W5 and N3.

Additionally, you may take a sneak peek into the latest advancements of pharma products and solutions. Join us for a journey into the world of innovation at CPHI & PMEC China 2024.

Venue and Agenda

Venue: SNIEC (Shanghai New International Expo Centre)
Address: 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China

Opening Hours

19 June 2024, Wednesday 09:30 – 18:00

20 June 2024, Thursday 09:00 – 18:00

21 June 2024, Friday 09:00 – 15:30


1- The exhibition requires online real-name pre-registration and onsite real-name verification for admission. 

2- All visitors must carry original passport/identification (copy/e-version is invalid) for onsite real-name verification so as to enter the exhibition.

Registration for Free Tickets Expires in
